
For over one hundred years in this country, the dentist has taken care of the mouth, while the physician has taken care of the rest of the body. When I was in dental school, nothing much had changed for a hundred years, and aside from some white dental materials, that is still the case. I know that in my practice we are always talking about what oral issues affect (other) body issues and what systemic issues may show up with an oral presentation.

Most dentists no longer place silver fillings, but that is because most patients no longer expect nor desire them and not for the most salient reason: they contain and give off a highly neuro-toxic element, mercury. Some dentists still hold the old party line, which is that the mercury doesn’t come out of the filling.

Truth is, according to countless studies, the mercury comes out of the filling as mercury vapor.  It is then swallowed, inhaled, and exhaled (second-hand mercury, hmmmm). Granted, we could debate whether or not it is a significant enough amount to create illness. But, given the choice, why take the chance. Mercury-amalgam-silver fillings have no place in our mouths. Most people would be prudent to have these fillings removed.

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One Comment on “Mercury”

  1. A close friend of mine suffered from debilitating headaches. Medical Doctors could find NOTHING wrong with her. Someone it was questioned if her mouth full of mercury filings could be suspect. Willing to try anything she had them replaced over time. The headaches got better and as the last mercury filling was replaced they went away! That is powerful!

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